Sensorberg Smart Spaces SDK for Android / com.sensorberg.smartworkspace.sdk / SmartWorkspaceSdk


interface SmartWorkspaceSdk

Sensorberg Smart Spaces SDK interface. All methods are expected to be called from UI-thread. The SDK handles all needed threading internally. The Smart Workspaces SDK must be a singleton in the application. Consult the implementation guide for singleton pattern.

There are three implementations of the SDK:

        .Builder(context) // Android context
        .baseUrl(baseUrl) // base URL to the server
        .oauthId(oauthId) // oauth ID of the Android application on the server
        .certificate(certificate) // server public key certificate hash on the format: "sha256/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA="
    testImplementation 'com.sensorberg.smartworkspace:test-sdk:VERSION'

    val sdk = EmptySdk()
    sdk.getUserResponse.value = Response.success(user)
    sdk.getUnitsResponse.value = Response.success(units) ... etc

    assertEquals(user, sdk.getUnitController().getUnits(Availability.All, Sorting.None))

    androidTestImplementation 'com.sensorberg.smartworkspace:test-sdk:VERSION'

    val sdk = TestSdk()
                           .observeForEver {
    					       // response will be executing and later success with some mocked data



class Builder

Builder for the real Smart Workspace implementation. All parameters are required and can be found on the Smart Workspaces admin panel.



abstract fun getBookingManager(): BookingManager

Manages bookings and schedules on the units.


abstract fun getTapController(): TapController

Controller for magneto and NFC "tap" actions.


abstract fun getUnitController(): UnitController

Controller for IotUnit. Find nearby, open, etc


abstract fun getUserManager(): UserManager

Manages user authentication. Provides methods for login, logout, change password and the logged-in/out


abstract fun refresh(vararg refresh: Refresh = arrayOf(Refresh.All)): Unit

Force refreshes relevant data from backend. On success, this new data will be reflected on their appropriate LiveData. Optional refresh parameter to refresh only certain data types.