Beacon Showcase iOS App Ver.2.1

Hello AppStore

Today we released a new Showcase app on the AppStore

This is a complete re-write of the app, and, going forward, we will continue to update it with the latest features from our Sensorberg iOS SDK.

Here’s a short video of how it works:

What’s new!

  • Easily change the API key, just by scanning a QR code
  • New (and beautiful) Sensorberg theme colors
  • Campaign notifications or in-app alerts for your beacon related actions

New Sensorberg Theme

- Notifications / Search Beacons / App Status

Fired Notifications Screen Scanning for beacons Status 1 Status 2

How (easy it is) to change API Key?

1. Login on the Sensorberg Management Portal
2. Open the QR Code for your app
3. In the Showcase app, on the status page, select the Scan QR Code option

Download the Showcase App

Greetings from Berlin!