Access Hub LED feedback

Sensorberg devices are giving feedback via LED sequences to you while operating. All existing LED sequences are documented here to give you a clear answer on the current state of a device. Please include this information when creating a support request.

Access Hub Lite

Color and behaviour Explanation
WHITE STATIC Device is in the pre-init state not much happened yet
WHITE FAST BLINKING Device is booting
BLUE BLINKING Device is connecting to WiFi
GREEN BLINKING Device is connecting to MQTT Broker
RED BLINKING Device is configuring
RED STATIC Device is ready
ORANGE BLINKING FATAL error, please create support request

If a device is for longer in the same state (except ready), please try to restart it or call sensorberg support for help.

Access Hub

Color and behaviour Explanation
BLUE STATIC Device is booting
RED STATIC Device is ready
ORANGE BLINKING Device did not finish initial setup

If a device is for longer in the same state (except ready), please try to restart it or call sensorberg support for help.