Our SDKs have a little-known feature - the Advanced Settings - that allow more fine customizations of the SDKs functionality. In this post we go over some of keys you can add/edit to customize the Sensorberg app.
Following keys are used to configure the behaviour of iOS SDK
|key|type|description| |—|—|—|—| |monitoringDelay|number (seconds)|time interval between a
beacon lost
and the actualexit
event the SDK fires| |postSuppression|number(seconds)|time interval to send statistic and conversion data to Sensorberg platform| |resolverURL|string|endpoint of beacon management platform| |customBeaconRegions|key-value hash table|custom beacon uuid to detect beacons in given beacon region.This setting enables scanning beacons which are not included in any associated campaigns.|
"monitoringDelay" : 120,
"postSuppression" : 300,
"resolverURL" : "https://manage.sensorberg.com",
"customBeaconRegions" : {
"B9407F30-F5F8-466E-AFF9-25556B57FE6D" : "Custom0",
"F7826DA6-4FA2-4E98-8024-BC5B71E0893E" : "Custom1",
"2F234454-CF6D-4A0F-ADF2-F4911BA9FFA6" : "Custom2"
In the Sensorberg app you can also edit the appearance of the UI using the theme
Example :
"theme" : {
"navigationBarLogoImage" : "http://www.sensorberg.com/logo.png",
"navigationBarLogoColor" : "#FFFFFF"
|key|type|description| |—|—|—|—| |navigationBarColor|color string| Color for top navigation bar| |navigationBarTitleFont|font object|Font for screen titles on top navigation bar| |navigationBarTitleColor|color string|Color for screen titles on top navigation bar| |navigationBarLogoImage|image url string|Icon image on left top of top navigation bar| |navigationBarLogoColor|color string|Image tint color for the icon image on left top of top navigation bar| |tabBarColor|color string|Color for bottom tab bar| |tabBarSelectedItemColor|color string|Color of selected item on botom tab bar.| |tableViewSectionHeaderTextFont|font object|Font for all tableview section headers| |tableViewSectionHeaderTextColor|color string|Text color for all tableview section headers| |switchColor|color string|color of UISwitch| |switchOnColor|color string|color of UISwitch when switch is on| |switchThumbTintColor|color string|thumb color of UISwitch| |baseTableViewCellTitleTextFont|font object|title text font of UITableViewCell| |baseTableViewCellTitleTextColor|color string|title text color of UITableViewCell| |baseTableViewCellDetailTextFont|font object|detail text font of UITableViewCell| |baseTableViewCellDetailTextColor|color string|detail text color of UITableViewCell| |historyCellTitleTextFont|font object|title text font of notification history| |historyCellTitleTextColor|color string|title text color of notification history| |historyCellDetailTextFont|font object|detail text font of notification history| |historyCellDetailTextColor|color string|detail text color of notification history| |historyCellContentBackgroundColor|font object|background color of notification history item| |beaconCellTitleTextFont|font object|Beacon name text font on scanner screen| |beaconCellTitleTextColor|color string|Beacon name text color on scanner screen| |beaconCellDetailTextFont|font object|Beacon major minor text font on scanner screen| |beaconCellDetailTextColor|color string|Beacon major minor text color on scanner screen|
Example :
"navigationBarTitleFont ": {
"fontName" : "Helvetica",
"fontSize" : 21
"navigationBarTitleColor" : "#FFFFFF",
"navigationBarLogoImage" : "http://www.sensorberg.com/logo.png",
"navigationBarLogoColor" : "#FFFFFF"
key type fontName string fontSize number
Example :
"navigationBarTitleFont" :
"fontName" : "Helvetica",
”#RRGGBB” formated string
Example :
"navigationBarLogoColor" : "#FF5500"