This class is considered legacy. It will remain as long API’s will use it. But it is considered to be replaced by the Result class. Which is lightweight and without any LiveData support.
is a container class that stores a generic data, a status and a generic progress
All asynchronous operations on the SDK are wrapped in a LiveData<Response<Type, Progress>>
and can have their values observed
Status for a response are:
field.The generic parameter Progress
is only used in the SDK for the Opening
Refer to the opening documentation on its usage here
For other commands the progress type is Void
. And a Kotlin typealias
have been created for convenience to the type SimpleResponse<Type>
To facilitate handling of this LiveData on different use cases and scenarios there a few helpers and extensions
Observing from Kotlin, from a lifeCycle ownwer
val data : LiveData<Response<User, Void>> // example data
data.observe(this) // lifecycleOwner (Activity or Fragment)
.onExecuting { showProgressbar(true) }
.onFail { exception ->
.onSuccess { user ->
Or from an element that is not part of the lifecycle
val data : LiveData<Response<User, Void>> // example data
.onFail { exception -> }
.onSuccess { user -> }
// internally observeResult will use observeForever and remove the observer onSuccess or onFail
Divided data can be easily integrated into DataBinding
val onSuccess: LiveData<User> = data.onSuccess()
val onFail: LiveData<Exception> = data.onFail()
val onExecuting: LiveData<Boolean> = data.onExecuting()
Maybe the application needs to map some of the SDK data types to some UI view model type, or for DataBinding
// example extracting the full name from the user type
val fullName: LiveData<SimpleResponse<String>> = { it?.getFullName() }
LiveData<Response<User, Void>> data; // example data
LiveData<User> onSuccess = ResponseExtensionsKt.onSuccess(data);
LiveData<Exception> onFail = ResponseExtensionsKt.onFail(data);
LiveData<Boolean> onExecuting = ResponseExtensionsKt.onExecuting(data);
data.observe(this, new ResponseObserver<User, Void>() {
@Override public void onSuccess(@Nullable User user) {
@Override public void onExecuting(@Nullable Void aVoid) {
@Override public void onFail(@Nullable Exception exception) {
.onSuccess(new Function1<User, Unit>() {
@Override public Unit invoke(User user) {
return null;
.onFail(new Function1<Exception, Unit>() {
@Override public Unit invoke(Exception e) {
return null;